Clive Knights practices both art and architecture, in particular mixed media collage, monotype printmaking, and the design and installation of unique festival structures in collaboration with colleagues and students from Portland State University School of Architecture, where he is a professor.


He holds professional arts & architectural design degrees from Portsmouth Polytechnic, UK, and a Master of Philosophy from Cambridge University. He has written on the cultural interpretation of works of art understood through the phenomenology of the human body, with particular reference to the efficacy of metaphor in poetic works. He has exhibited architectural design work internationally, including three projects at the 1985 Venice Biennale. He has shown mixed media work, collages and monotypes in more than 30 juried group shows across multiple US states and half a dozen countries, since 2016. Most recently his collages, non-fiction and fiction writing have been included in four issues of Kolaj Magazine. He also just published an essay in Italy on the cultural import of collage as a creative genre in the bi-lingual book Vision and Intuition, the Reason for Art (Bari, Italian Collage Collective, May 2021). Please visit his Instagram gallery @knightsclive for a glimpse into his growing body of work.


The pieces in this exhibition represent the fruit of themes and ideas sown during a year-long sabbatical from his professorship at PSU from September 2019 to September 2020. The sabbatical also marked his transition from a 12-year term as founding director of the PSU School of Architecture to a refocus on his creative studio practice, while continuing to teach. He can be contacted by e-mail at


September 2021